Antonello Venturino
Ingegnere Informatico
Dott. Ric. in Automatica
P. IVA IT03538320791
Stima di stato a orizzonte mobile distribuita per reti di sensori con basse capacità computazionali
System Theory, Control And Computing Journal
A. Venturino, C. Stoica Maniu, S. Bertrand, T. Alamo, and E. F. Camacho, "Distributed moving horizon state estimation for sensor networks with low computation capabilities," Syst. Theor. Control Comput. J., vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 81–87, Jun. 2021, doi: 10.52846/stccj.2021.1.1.14.
@article{Venturino2021Distributed, title={Distributed moving horizon state estimation for sensor networks with low computation capabilities}, volume={1}, DOI={10.52846/stccj.2021.1.1.14}, number={1}, journal={System Theory, Control and Computing Journal}, author={Venturino, Antonello and {Stoica Maniu}, Cristina and Bertrand, Sylvain and Alamo, Teodoro and Camacho, Eduardo F.}, year={2021}, month={Jun.}, pages={81–87} }